Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Suggestions For A Warrior's Library

Austin, James. (1999) Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness. MIT Press.

Breed, George. (2004) Embodying Spirit: The Inner Work of the Warrior. iUniverse, Lincoln.

Chia, Mantak. (1985) Taoist Ways to Transform Stress Into Vitality. Healing Tao Books.

Chuen, Lam Chan. (1991) The Way of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal Strength with Chi Kung Exercises. Simon and Schuster.

Coelho, Paulo. (2003) Warrior of the Light. HarperCollins.

De Caussade, Jean-Pierre. (1975) Abandonment to Divine Providence. (John Beevers, Trans.) Image.

Deshimaru, Taisen. (1982) The Zen Way to the Martial Arts. (Nancy Amphoux, Trans.). Arkana.

Friday, Karl. (1997) Legacies of the Sword: The Kashima-Shinryu and Samurai Martial Culture. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Fauliot, Pascal. (2000) Martial Arts Teaching Tales of Power and Paradox. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.

Furuya, Kensho.(1996) Kodo, Ancient Ways: Lessons in the Spiritual Life of the Warrior / Martial Artist. Santa Clarita, California: Ohara.

Gebser, Jean. (1985) The Ever-Present Origin. (Noel Barstad with Algis Mickunas, Trans.) Ohio University Press.

Gichin, Funakoshi. (1973) Karate-Do Kyohan: The Master Text. Tokyo: Kodansha.

Gichin, Funakoshi. (1975) Karate-Do: My Way of Life. Tokyo: Kodansha.

Gleason, William. (1995) The Spiritual Foundations of Aikido. Rochester: Destiny.

Hanh, Thich Nhat. (1987) The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation. Boston: Beacon Press.

Haruo, Yamaoka. (1976) Meditation Gut Enlightenment: The Way of Hara. San Francisco: Heian.

Jou, Tsung Hwa. (1991) The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan. Warwick, New York: Tai Chi Foundation.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon.(1990) Full Catastrophe Living. Delacorte.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon. (1994) Wherever You Go, There You Are. Hyperion.

Keating, Thomas. (1993) Intimacy With God: An Introduction to Centering Prayer. Crossroad.

Keating, Thomas. (1999) The Human Condition: Contemplation and Transformation. Paulist Press.

Kongtrul, Jamgon. (1996) Creation and Completion: Essential Points of Tantric Meditation. (Tr. Sarah Harding) Boston: Wisdom.

Leggett, Trevor. (1978) Zen and the Ways. Boulder: Shambhala.

Leggett, Trevor. (1995) Realization of the Supreme Self. New York: Kegan Paul.

McCarthy, Patrick. (1995) The Bible of Karate: Bubishi. Boston: Tuttle.

Mitchell, Stephen. (1992) Tao Te Ching: A New English Version. Harperperennial.

Musashi, Miyamoto. (1982) The Book of Five Rings: Gorin No Sho.(Bradford Brown, Yuko Kashiwagi, William Barrett, Eisuke Sasagawa, Trans.). New York: Bantam.

Nitobe, Inazo. (1979) Bushido: The Warrior’s Code. Burbank: Ohara.

Payne, Peter. (1981) Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension. Crossroad: New York.

Sato, Hiroaki. (1986) The Sword and the Mind. Woodstock: Overlook.

Shi Ming, with Siao Weijia. (1994) Mind Over Matter: Higher Martial Arts. (Thomas Cleary, Trans.). Berkeley: Frog.

Shosan, Suzuki. (1994) Warrior of Zen: The Diamond-Hard Wisdom Mind of Suzuki Shosan. (Arthur Braverman, Trans.) Kodansha.

Skoss, Diane (Ed.). (1997) Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Koryu Books.

Stevens, John. (1984) The Sword of No-Sword: Life of the Master Warrior Tesshu. Boulder: Shambhala.

Stevens, John. (1993) Three Zen Masters. Tokyo: Kodansha.

Stevens, John. (1995) The Secrets of Aikido. Boston: Shambhala.

Stevens, John. (2001) The Philosophy of Aikido. Tokyo: Kodansha.

Takuan. (1988) The Unfettered Mind: Writings of the Zen Master to the Sword Master. (William Scott Wilson, Trans.). Tokyo: Kodansha.

Tohei, Koichi. (1962) What is Aikido? Tokyo: Rikugei.

Tohei, Koichi. (1976) Book of Ki: Coordinating Mind and Body in Daily Life. Japan Publications.

Tohei, Koichi. (2001) Ki in Daily Life. Japan Publications.

Trungpa, Chogyam. (1993) Training the Mind and Cultivating Lovingkindness. Boston: Shambhala.

Tsunetomo, Yamamoto (1980) The Hagakure: A Code to the Way of the Samurai. Tokyo: Hokuseido.

Ueshiba, Morihei. (1992) The Art of Peace. (John Stevens, Trans.)Boston: Shambhala.

Von Durckheim, Karlfried Graf. (1984) Hara: The Vital Centre of Man. London: Unwin Paperbacks.

Wallace, B. Alan. (1998) The Bridge of Quiescence: Experiencing Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. Chicago: Open Court.

Wilson, William Scott (Tr.). (1984) Budoshoshinshu: The Warrior’s Primer of Daidoji Yuzan. Santa Clarita: Ohara.

1 comment:

  1. Morning George, what a wonderful day don't ya think.

    Thanks for the list. There are some that interest me on here I don't have.


