Saturday, August 14, 2010

warrior note

It is time to reinvent ourselves. The phoenix arises out of ashes, not out of a pre-established structure. I speak of a consciousness change here, one that our dreamers and visionaries have spoken of for centuries.


  1. YES, please! It's time for us all to remove the bushel basket covering our visionary light. Courage is required. Thank you, George ~ Love, Cathy : )

  2. Is it not happening already? Just as the illusion of communism fell from the eyes and minds of Russians, so to, the promise of unfettered capitalism is destroying the society around us and people can't believe what they see happening. The illusion of upward social mobility is coming apart. What will replace the mind constructed world we have now? You speak of a conscious change in consciousness, a willingness to change. It seems though, that many of us choose to suffer and are driven to change through that suffering. That path is a subconscious choice rather than a conscious one. No one chooses suffering, but is that true? All of the above doesn't really matter, since we are all energy and these matter bodies will become dust soon. We are just part of the molecular dance or churn. It is up to the Source to decide when it wishes to awaken. Everything unfolds in perfection at its appointed moment. Everyone reading this blog is making a conscious or unconscious choice to either awaken or stay asleep. If you make a conscious choice, then you are already awake or mostly awake already. If you are asleep, then you are only dreaming that you are conscious. That is the lot of 99% of humans. Most of us will be dragged kicking and screaming into the new reality it seems.
