Thursday, March 18, 2010


Words read either pound the heart, rile the bile, bolster the guts, excite the bite or slide past the eyes with limpid greasy ease.


  1. Words take a stand
    Make the man, skewer the heart,
    Or on a really good day
    laugh away like the wind.

    Stopping long enough to think, catch the air
    dangerous, maybe the hairs breadth
    Cuts you in two, stopped dead like the unfortunate skunk
    Legs flailing ungracefully

    I have joined the clan of the I don’t know
    The just came to town circus,
    colorful, chaos, promising wonder and a good time
    But it is run by a drunk, who forgot to get dressed this morning

    There is a landing point, somewhere I am sure
    The spring whispered, as did the winter
    And the summer breeze, and the tender autumn
    I believe, I do, but keep moving just in case.


  2. Thoughts slip sliding away until at a moment's notice awareness awakens bringing a moment of silence before the greased slids regain their momentum and the mind slides back into thought filled oblivion. Moment by moment until the next reawakening. Blessed awakenings.
