Sunday, January 24, 2010

change gang

One thing is always changing into another thing.

Do not make the mistake of thinking there is an "out there."
The changling and the changing are you.
Mutual co-arising and down-sinking birthing more arising.

Failing is another name
for the birthing of succeeding
leading to more failing.

To walk, one leg empties (fails) while the other fills (succeeds).
For a successful leg to remain successful, stagnation will occur.

We must continue to die in order to be born.

We do not have a leg to stand on.

This may be called the T'ai Chi of Everyday Living.

You are the changling and the changing is you.


  1. Always falling and catching :)

  2. what a lovely reminder for my birthday!
    i leave behind 34 and become 35
    i had the opportunity to sleep in
    but my body wanted change
    up out of bed and into this sparkly new day
    with the silence for a morning yoga session
    what a blessing to recharge with this change in mind
    great thanks out to you, my shinning neighbor
    i love you!
