This morning I heard the bumping sounds of the rearranging of cosmic furniture as my mind shifted to new Imaginings. I became even more exquisitely aware that our consciousness and the objects of our consciousness are inseparable.
Whatever we think of, we are. The more we think of it, the more we become it.
More than that, what we call external is directly affected by what we call internal. As within, so without. In fact, there is no internal and external. It is all one ternal. There is no within without, only one interflow.
It is time for a consciousness revolution. This world needs change and we are it. As our consciousness goes, so goes the world.
We include and move beyond the physical. We include and move beyond the ratio intellect. We move beyond quantity to quality.
We include and move beyond our reptilian brain, our mammalian brain, our cortical brain. We include and move beyond the physical and the chatty social. We open our Awareness to the realm of the Imaginal.
This morning I heard the bumping sounds of the rearranging of cosmic furniture as my mind shifted to new Imaginings.
This is goooood! I'm up late doing that myself.