Of the nine principles and practices of the martial and all other relationship arts, centering and opening are the two most important. The other seven come along naturally with the practice of those two. Centering and opening are the embodying of heaven and earth. Centering is grounding (earth) -- sensing and being and becoming the ever-oscillating stillness at one's core. Opening is 360 degree spherical awareness with no bounds, complete vulnerability and transparency (heaven). One without the other is deadening and dangerous. Together they create a being of great spirit.
enter through the narrow gate!
ReplyDeleteDon't know how you mean this. Say more. Are you paraphrasing Jesus? To me, centering and opening is hugely spacious. Please elucidate.
ReplyDeleteIn the Buddhist tradition, concentration (Samadhi) and mindfulness (Awareness and Acceptance) have similar impacts.
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed! In the system I follow, mindfulness and relentless intent are the companions of centering; surrendering and lovingkindness are companions of opening.
ReplyDeletethank you