We live a surface life, but within us and around us is the Deep. The Deep, both which we are and which we fear, manifests through us and as us in a variety of energetic formings. One of these is the Warrior.
The Warrior can cut loose with great explosive force, which leaves no one the better, including the Warrior, who sits now amidst ruin, his only consolation a sociopathic retreat into numbness.
The "taming" of the Warrior in at least one past age has been to have him bow his knee to the feminine. This works only temporarily and has its dangers -- the feminine too has problems. Every womb has teeth and the will to use them. Giving up the masculine for the feminine (or vice versa) is not the answer for the Warrior's unrest and his quest.
The Warrior can be encompassed and thus brought to equilibrium only by the Deep Itself. The Deep calls to the deep with immediate resonance and answer. Right action occurs, within and without. The Warrior's deep internal life is in equilibrium with his wide external life, like two oceans that have met and are the same.
Love this one! Thanks :)